Oh Substance

A scientist stands on the verge of discovery, Sisyphus pushes his
boulder, and a little boy gazes at the moon, wondering where the stars
have gone.
What do we do when we're stuck in the mud and can't get
What if it's our own fault we're stuck?
Is the mud pulling us
down, or do we secretly just want to wallow?
Ezra plays with physical
theatre, clown and prose to puzzle over how to make meaning from an
otherwise chaotic and messy world. Through a unique blend of physical
theatre, clown, and prose, the show navigates the fine line between
hope, despair, ambition and failure - a glorious mess of exuberance,
crushed dreams, and unending frustration.
Stories begin distinct and
separate, but as the show progresses and their journeys unfold, the
boundaries between them begin to blur. A strange fixation with a
mysterious golden liquid draws them all together, weaving a frantic
tapestry of intertwined stories with the search for 'substance' at its
"The performance remains engaging and his script is clever,
entwining the separate
narratives so they become almost
Venue Access Information Wheelchair accessible - Accessible bathroom
19-22 February 2025
50 minutes
Te Auaha
Tapere Iti
Flashing Lights, Mild Coarse Language, Mild Nudity, Addiction, Adult Themes