I Was a Teenage Racist

Hey everybody! Have you ever noticed how the entire world's going
through a vast cultural upheaval?
As straight, white, male comedians
the world over either crash and burn complaining about equality and
wokeness or perform stunning handbrake turns pretending they were never
part of the problem, loser comedian, Simon Kingsley-Holmes, has decided
to own up. Coming from a conservative background, he has slowly realised
that the views he grew up with and loudly espoused were wrong and now
seems ample time to rip the piss out of his past self.
attempting to solve the Northern Ireland question aged seven to
defending racist terms as a teenager in multicultural New Zealand, Simon
has done it all with the kind of lack of self-awareness that only a true
comedian could muster. If you want the satisfaction of hearing an
Englishman admit that you were right or if you just want to laugh at a
complete prat then welcome, friend... I'm here for you!
Trigger warning: incase you hadn't guessed it, this show does indeed contain racist language in order to illustrate an anti-racism argument. And I'm not adding anything further because I feel that, somewhow or other, I'd write the wrong thing.
Venue Access Information Wheelchair accessible
6-8 March 2025
60 minutes
Sweet Axe Throwing Co.
Sweet Axe Throwing Co.
Extreme Coarse Language, Racist Slurs, Homophobic Language, Racism