Sameena Zehra - Work In Progress

I'm playing with the seed of a new thought. There will be some raging at love songs (honestly, wtf is that noise) which may wreck the (frankly, delusional) nostalgia of first-romance mixtapes. Or make you wonder if, this whole time, patriarchy, and love, and toxic positivity have just been a salt soaked paper cut in your fricking eye. Look, it's in progress, exploratory, unfinished. Might be dark. Might be hilarious. Might be codswallop. Probably all three. Come find out. Or don't; I'm not here to force people into having fun.
Here's things people have said about other shows I have need to take them too seriously, it's just individuals, with individual opinions. You might have different ones (but you'll have to come to the show to find out)
'Astonishing, and frequently violent... ' The Independent, UK (I particularly like this one)
'Outstanding...a master storyteller' Rip It Up, Adelaide
'Funny, fiery, brave and true.' Herald, Scotland
'Humour in every strand'
'Left wanting the next chapter' The Latest,
' intimate atmosphere with all the warmth, energy and enthusiasm of
a full house at the Appollo'
'Fluency, intensity and vivacity... 'The
Age, Melbourne
'...combines warmth with political passion.' Scotsgay
'... smart and sharp... a breath of fresh air... ' Nicholas Holm, The Post, NZ
' ... the wittiest and sassiest lady I've ever had the pleasure of
watching. Move over Kitty Flanagan.' Buzzcut, Perth
(Honestly, this
one's a bit over the top- Kitty Flanagan is amazing and absolutely not
moving over for anyone)
Venue Access Information Wheelchair accessible
20 February 2025-8 March 2025
40 minutes - 60 minutes
Hannah Playhouse
Halfway Up @ The Hannah
Heavy Coarse Language